
Showing posts from November, 2017

Term 4 goal sheet.

Term 4 Learning Goal My Learning Goal Get more Mathletics points each week - get more than 1500. My Mathletics is not going well. I still haven’t been getting my Mathletics points and I need to get over 1500 points on Mathletics. How am I going to achieve my goal? 1. Doing more Mathletics at home. 2. When I am on SML time I can do Mathletics first. 3. Get more help on Mathletics if it is too hard . 4. Do Mathletics before school in the Whanau Zone. Probably get more points on Mathletics during the week. And I have 8900 points on Mathletics now. How will I know when I have achieved my goal? The teacher to check my work and I will prove it to the teacher that I have finished my work. I will get more Mathletics points each week. I may even get the Maths certificate and trophy. My Learner Qualities Goal How am I going to achieve my goal? List strategies that you can use to work towards achieving your goal. How will I know when I have ...